Monday 30 January 2012

My Weekend

The Chinese New Year dragon!
Well...I couldn't call this weekend usual. It all started on a trip to Manchester to see the Chinese New Year Festival and what's to come isn't very normal at all.

I've been suffering from excruciating back pains for a few months, they start from the centre of my back and work out towards the bottom and sides. Yesterday (whilst in Manchester) my dad had work so we were seeing him off in his hotel room, it was when I tried to stand up the pain started again. But it wasn't the regular sort of pain I normally get in my back, this pain was unbearable and I couldn't move for one and a half hours! 

Eventually, my mum called the emergency services and next thing I knew a group of paramedics turned up and did a couple of tests (tested my blood pressure and temperature e.t.c) After, they gave me this gas and air, it was a mix of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) and was supposed to numb the pain in my back and make me feel slightly strange and sensational. The feeling was indescribable, it was if I was dreaming and the whole ambulance experience wasn't real. However, it didn't numb the pain completely and I can still feel it now as I am writing this.

When I got to the hospital the doctors carried out a couple of other tests, and weren't quite sure what had caused it. (I am also lack of vitamin d so it might have had something to do with that) But I am going to see a Paediatrician about it very shortly, and they will look further into it.

I have to say, this has been one of the best experiences of my life. And these things don't usually happen to me, so it was quite different. But the hospital and staff aren't at all what they seem like in Casualty or Doctors. What was your Sunday like?

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