Monday 31 August 2009

The Creation of The Camel

I have decided to write about the camel because it is a very interesting animal, so here are some stunning facts that will leave you dazzled!

The hump

  • The hump of a camel provides nutrients for the animal at times of dearth and starvation. Camels can live up to three weeks without water, and loose thirty three percent of weight, whereas a humanwould lose eight percent of their weight and die within thirty six hours.

The face

  • The eyelashes have an interlocking system, if there is danger they automatically shut. The interlocking eyelashes don’t let any dust particles enter the eyes of the animal.

  • The nose and ears are covered in long hairs to protect it from sand.

  • Its long neck enables it to reach and feed on leaves three metres above the ground.

The knees and the feet

  • The feet are made up of two toes joined with an elastic pad. It allows the animal to firmly grasp the earth and is totally suitable for all kinds of land conditions.

  • The toenails protect the feet from potential damage.

  • The knees are covered in callus which consists of skin as hard and thick as a horn. When the animal lies down the callus protects it from being injured by the scorching ground.