Saturday 6 June 2009

The Accused

This is a true event when I was wrongly accused, I have fictionalised it and changed the names of the ‘prosecution’.

I crept cautiously up to the head teacher’s office. My knuckles trembling as I knocked on the door.

“Come in!” boomed a vehement voice. I knew who it was, I couldn’t be mistaken; it was the head teacher.

“I have had a complaint about you being nasty to Jane, is this true?”
She always asks you this to make you feel guilty. At this point there were butterflies in my stomach. My palms grew sweaty and my heart beating rapidly.

“I haven’t done anything,” I managed to croak, chicken-heartedly.
Jane smirked at me and I tried not to react but really inside I was overwhelmed by anger and despair.

“You haven’t done anything?” cried the head teacher rhetorically. “If you do anything else I’ll have to speak to your parents.”

And with that she ordered us out of her office.

1 comment:

  1. hi its hanna cool story.. the brains must run in the family!!
